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Is Odd API

This 👈 is 🅱💰 a 🐍 simple API that 🍑 returns 💌 whether 📊📊 a 🔥 number 💦🔢 is 🙈💦 odd 🤥 or 💰 not. ♂ With 👏👼 this 🏽👈 API you 😭💄 can 💁🔫 check ✔ if a number ❤ is 💦 odd 🤥 or not. 🙅
However, 💯 there's a 💰😾 twist 🔄🔄...

Implementation in Java (v1.0): by rferee

Features 📊

  • Even more 😳 blazing 🔥🔥 fast 🏃🏃!
  • Even more 🔥 scalable 📈📈!
  • Even more 🎨 native 🇺🇸🇺🇸 support 🇺🇸🇺🇸 for 🇺🇸🇺🇸 all 🇺🇸🇺🇸 operating 🇺🇸🇺🇸 systems 🇺🇸🇺🇸!
  • More than 🫣 100% 📈📈 uptime 📈📈!
  • More than 🫠 100% 💯 vegan 🌱🌱🌱!

...and 🍑 much 🙈💦 more!

This description was generated by GitHub Copilot 🤖

Requirements 📋

Example 🤔 System Configuration 🖥

We are performing tests right now.

Screenshots 📷

Current usage for 👏 is-odd-api-dev is: 🗡 To be added

API Methods 📡


Can be 😱🐝 used to 💦😂 determine 🤔 whether or 🅱 not 🚫♂ the 👏👽 number is 📃 even. 🆗🌃

Returns: ResponseNotFound 😳 or ResponseIsEven 📊


Can 🔫💦 be used 🙄😏 to determine 🧐 whether or 🔮💦 not the 👏 number 💦😧 is odd. 🤥😜

Returns: ResponseNotFound or ResponseIsOdd


Returns: last indexed 🔎 even 🎭 number 💦🔢


Returns: last indexed 🔎 odd 🤨 number 💦🔢

API Objects 📦


Property odd 😜 will 📃 be true if {number} 💦💦 is 😳 odd 😜 and 🗣👏 false if 👏 {number} is 🙈 even.

  "odd": true


Property even 💁🌃 will be true ☑ if 🚫🤥 {number} 🔢 is even and 👏👏 false 👳 if 👏 {number} is 😳 odd.

  "even": true


Returns when 😤🕔 the 👩 number wasn't indexed yet. 👌

  "message": "This number is not indexed yet."

Liability 📜 and 🍑 Disclaimer 📜

This 👩😬 is 👏 a 😂🤡 joke project. ⬆ We 👧 decided to 💦 rent out 💯 the 🚀🏼 machine 💦 with 😲🙅 more 😖 than ⬆😽 a 1 TB of 🐲 RAM 👋 and 96 cores of 🐲 CPU 🖥 to 🍑 index 📊📊 all 🙈💦 numbers 📊📊 from 1 ♂👵 to 🍑 long👵 maximum. 📊📊