services: ## Uncomment this section and nfuck.network_mode to pass everything thru WireGuard. ## Put your wg.conf into ./wg/wg_confs/ # wireguard: # image: # container_name: bot-nfuck-wg # cap_add: # - NET_ADMIN # - SYS_MODULE # environment: # - PUID=1000 # - PGID=1000 # - TZ=Europe/Moscow # volumes: # - ./wg:/config # - /lib/modules:/lib/modules # sysctls: # - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 # restart: unless-stopped nfuck: image: nfuck build: . container_name: bot-nfuck restart: unless-stopped # network_mode: service:wireguard environment: ## comma-separated list of domaisn that won't be processed. - ",*,*,,*,,," ## uncomment and fill with comma-separated list of chat IDs where it should just remove without any message #- "SILENT_REMOVAL_IDS=" ## currently unused - "DB_PATH=/app/db.db3" ## talk to @botfather - "TG_BOT_TOKEN=CHANGEME"