local args = { ... } if #args == 0 then print("Usage: tape-rip [-S] [source-drive] [dst-drive]") print(" -S don't seek to the beginning of destination drive") end local seekToStart = true if args[1] == "-S" then seekToStart= false table.remove(args, 1) end local function textProgress(p, c1, c2, fmt, ...) p = math.min(p, 1) local tw = term.getSize() local str = string.format(fmt, ...) local w1 = math.ceil(p * tw) local w2 = tw - w1 local bg = term.getBackgroundColor() term.setBackgroundColor(c1) term.write(str:sub(1, w1)) local rem = w1 - #str if rem > 0 then term.write(string.rep(" ", rem)) end term.setBackgroundColor(c2) term.write(str:sub(w1 + 1, w1 + w2)) rem = math.min(tw - #str, w2) if rem > 0 then term.write(string.rep(" ", rem)) end term.setBackgroundColor(bg) end local src = peripheral.wrap(args[1]) local dst = peripheral.wrap(args[2]) local failure = false if not src then printError("Source drive not found") failure = true end if not dst then printError("Destination drive not found") failure = true end if src and not src.isReady() then printError("Source drive is empty") failure = true end if dst and not dst.isReady() then printError("Destination drive is empty") failure = true end if failure then printError("Some errors occurred, exiting") return end src.seek(-src.getSize()) if seekToStart then dst.seek(-dst.getSize()) end local _, y = term.getCursorPos() while not src.isEnd() do dst.write(src.read(6000 * 10)) local pos, sz = src.getPosition(), src.getSize() term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.clearLine() textProgress(pos / sz, colors.green, colors.gray, "%7.3f%% %8d / %8d", pos * 100 / sz, pos, sz) os.sleep(0.01) end