local drive = peripheral.find("tape_drive") if not drive then printError("no tape drive found") printError("it's kinda required to play tapes, you know?") return end local running = true local table_of_contents = {} local function read32() local v = 0 for i = 1, 4 do local b = drive.read() v = bit32.bor(bit32.lshift(v, 8), b) end return v end local function bytes2time(b) local s = math.floor(b / 6000) if s < 60 then return string.format("%ds", s) end return string.format("%dm, %ds", math.floor(s / 60), s % 60) end local screen_w, screen_h = term.getSize() parallel.waitForAll( function() while running do for i = 1, math.min(screen_h, 48) do term.setCursorPos(1, i) local song = table_of_contents[i] if song then term.write(string.format("#%2d %9s %s", i, bytes2time(song.length), song.title)) end end os.sleep(0.1) end end, function() while running do local evd = { os.pullEvent() } local ev, evd = table.remove(evd, 1), evd if ev == "mouse_click" then local x, y = table.unpack(evd, 1) elseif ev == "term_resize" then screen_w, screen_h = term.getSize() elseif ev == "tape_present" then table_of_contents = {} if evd[1] then drive.stop() drive.seek(-drive.getSize()) for i = 1, 48 do local offset = read32() local length = read32() local title = drive.read(117) table.insert(table_of_contents, { title = length > 0 and title or nil, offset = offset, length = length, ending = offset + length }) end end end end end, function() local tape_was_present = nil local drive_old_state = nil while running do local tape_present = drive.isReady() if tape_present ~= tape_was_present then os.queueEvent("tape_present", tape_present) tape_was_present = tape_present end local drive_state = drive.getState() if drive_old_state ~= drive_state then os.queueEvent("drive_state", drive_state) drive_old_state = drive_state end os.sleep(0.25) end end)